Why It’s Important for Runners to See a Podiatrist

Why It’s Important for Runners to See a Podiatrist

Exercising woman running on a track through the woods to demonstrate why runners need to see a podiatrist.


Why It’s Important for Runners to See a Podiatrist

Why it’s important for Runners to see a Podiatrist. If one of your new year resolutions is to start exercising more or perhaps include walking or running for the first time, it’s important to see your Podiatrist first.

The human foot is comprised of 112 ligaments, 33 joints, and 26 bones, as well as a whole network of nerves, blood vessels and tendons. All of these pieces work together to help a person walk or run. Running is fast becoming one of the most popular types of exercise, but before you lace up your shoes and head out the door for your next run, it is important to have your feet checked by a podiatrist. Many sidelining foot injuries can be prevented by regular visits to the podiatrist.

Preventing Common Foot Injuries

According to leading podiatrists, many experience foot pain from running because they wear shoes without the right fit. Many injuries can be avoided completely by wearing podiatrist-recommended shoes. Most podiatrists can suggest running shoes based on the build of each person’s foot. Many individuals fail to purchase running shoes with enough cushioning. Shoes with adequate cushioning protect the feet from the impact of the continuous pounding they take during a run. Running shoes should also be able to support the arch portion of the foot and help stabilize the foot during impact. It’s important to realize that running shoes are different from other types of exercise shoes typically used for other sports or aerobic exercises.

Dealing with Running Injuries

Starting a new running regimen is certain to cause plenty of aches and pains initially. If you experience pain while you are running, ease up to see if the pain lessens. If the pain does not ease up or gets worse, it’s time to stop and rest. If you experience foot pain after running you may have an injury. In this case, you need to see a podiatrist to rule out a stress fracture, which is the most common foot injury for new runners. Foot injuries often occur when running distances are increased too quickly without allowing the body time to adjust.

Most Common Running Injuries

The most common running injuries are caused by the foot. Runner’s knee is the most common running injury; it is caused by over-pronation of the foot. Almost everyone has experienced shin splints, especially when they first started running. This painful condition is caused by over-striding, muscle imbalance or just overuse. It can be corrected and prevented by placing orthotic inserts in the shoes.

Whether you are an experienced runner or just starting, being examined by a podiatrist can help prevent or treat foot pain from running.

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