23 Jan Taking Care of Your Feet For Exercise
Taking Care of Your Feet For Exercise
Summer is here! With everyone hustling to get their bodies in shape for summer, we thought it would be good to share some tips on taking care of your feet before, during and after exercise. Here are some suggestions that we think will help.
Before – Make sure you have the right shoes for the exercise you’re doing. Exercise shoes are carefully designed to perform under whatever movement you’re doing. Visit our rooms to get advice on the best shoes for your exercise regime. Pick a shoe that is durable, supportive, comfortable and that will protect your foot. Avoid picking a shoe based on how it looks.
Warm up and stretch your feet and ankles before exercise. Avoid springing or jumping straight into exercise before properly warming up your muscles and joints.
During – Go steady or stop. If you experience any pain or discomfort during exercise slow down or stop the exercise.
After – Always wash and dry your feet properly after exercise to rid your feet of bacteria. If your feet are aching, try and stay off them so they can rest. If pain persists, book a consultation for a check up. We can check your gait, your stretches and exercises to see if anything needs changing. We offer a range of services that will help you protect and improve your foot health.
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