podiatry Tag

Chilblains are itchy, swollen and painful lumps or patches on your skin. They form after exposure to cold but not freezing temperatures. They usually affect the fingers and toes but can also appear on the nose and ears. Chilblains are sometimes called 'perniosis' and do not...

[gallery columns="4" size="medium" ids="784,782"] Flamingo Feet- Silicone Toe Activators Have you ever seen a flamingo up close? They stand tall, balanced and poised . . . and they are actually standing on their tip toes! Inspired by this beauty, Freestyle Flamingo Feet are comfortable, silicone toe spreaders...

STINKY FEET It's embarrassing, it stings the nostrils! Bad foot odour can be conquered and here is how….. https://www.sportspodiatry.com.au/services/ Why do feet stink? The 2 main reasons are pretty obvious- Sweat & Poor Hygiene Bacteria can thrive in the moist and hospitable environment of your shoe.  They can stick around...